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FFN: Spring (T)issues

March 27, 2018

It is day two of a cool and rainy weather that is offering the tiniest bit of reprieve from the onslaught of allergies that has decided to burst forth from every tree in the area (fun fact: the Northwest has a lot of trees.) For absolutely no reason that is related to that fact, today will be a little bit different rendition of fresh from the needles; since it has been a while between posts I am going to do a mini-finished-object parade. I hope you don’t mind.

First up in terms of completion for the year are a pair of shorty socks for me. These were knit out of the speckled greatness that is Lamby Toes yarn. I have been trying to break out of my habit of hoarding her yarn like a dragon guarding gold holding onto her yarn and so these were a good way to use some of the yarn without feeling like I wouldn’t have any left (who am I kidding I have quite a few skeins left…..exact numbers will not be discussed.)


Second in terms of finishing are a pair of socks that had been destined as a Christmas gift for The Giant. He did eventually get them, just way after Christmas. These were knit out of the Poste Yarn, a new to me yarn from Simply Socks Yarn company. (The contrast was something kicking around the stash) Yes those are moving boxes, yes we are still unpacking. I am still holding onto the idea that it will end, eventually.


The next two projects practically fell off the needles compared to anything else I have been working on lately. Two simple hats in twisted rib. The sparkle blue is a yarn I can’t recall. The speckled is Black Trillium Fibers in the Pebble Sock base in the Hedwig colorway. Both hats had the yarn held double.

Lastly is a pair of socks that have been on the needles for over a year, but I am going to chalk them up to getting lost in the mess that was last year and just be happy they are done. These are knit out of an Arne and Carlos colorway (but I can’t recall which one, sorry!) With contrasting color of some generic grey yarn I had leftover.


These were originally intended for my MIL for her birthday last year (and then Christmas last year) so naturally they could be used for her birthday this year, however with the extended time frame (and the fact that I apparently forgot how to work a toe (three times!) with these socks) I might keep them for me is that too selfish?

I am currently running with just a few background projects right now as I wait for some yarn to arrive. I have some projects that I want to get started that are intended as gifts and frankly it feels great to finally feel up to knitting for others again. I am definitely a process knitter and for the last year I feel like I really lost my interest in that process. So any desire to get back to something I enjoy is welcome.

In other news, Camp NaNoWriMo (The spring/summer versions of writing a 50k word novel in 30 days contest) is starting on April 1st and I am about 89.5% sure I am going to do it. I am hesitant because 1) I feel like anything I write is crap and also of no interest to anyone and I am wasting everyone’s time. Which is why writing a blog post can be difficult, but it is also a challenge I am working on; see today’s post.  (I am aware I have terrible self esteem, shockingly it is better than it was.) And 2) I don’t have any real idea what to write about (which feeds into number 1 oh so well)  I have until Sunday to come up with something.


  1. Love the finishes! And what you write here isn’t crap and I am interested!

  2. thanks for the update. Hope your well and getting settled in.

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