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Finished Objects Friday

August 10, 2012

I finally have a finished object to show this Friday, never mind the fact that I already posted one earlier in the week. I am actually able to knock two birds with one stone on this post. Not only do you get to see a finished item, but I also have something to scratch off my never ending holiday list.

I have playfully dubbed this, “Da Hat” after the popular phrase referring to a particular Chicago foot ball team. The hat was knit out of my go to basic vanilla pattern, with the stripes added to mimic the team colors. The best part was it only took me about 3.5 hours total to finish this hat. Which included casting on twice because of apparent failing on my part to divide by three.

Unfortunately that is the extent of my finished objects for today. So instead I thought I would give a quick update on my writing. There have been quite a few people from my usual blog viewing who have made the leap into self publishing the last week or two, which is exciting to read about. As someone still new to the whole writing and publishing arena it has been a lot of fun to read their posts. For instance check out, The Pittsburgh Housewife and her tales of publishing. (I have only been able to read the free sample on kindle, but I am already hooked. You should check it out.)

It is easy to get lost in the daydream of actually publishing, halting any real work getting done (which is okay once in a while.) Right now I have put the Camp Nanowrimo Story on the back burner and am instead opting for another piece. I have discovered that I seem to be pretty good at writing the “blurb” that comes with a story, but when it comes to titles I tend to fall flat on my face. (If I were to go the traditional publishing route, I don’t think this would be as big of a problem, but I am not, so it is.) I do think part of it is not having had a need to know how to write a good title. For the most of my life I have been writing academic papers, and while a clever title can be good, it usually isn’t a key selling point.

So I have to ask you dear reader, do you ever have issues with coming up with titles? How did you “solve” the problem? What about “blurbs”? Feel free to share in the comments below.

From → Writing

  1. jumpingpolarbear permalink

    I need one for the Winter ;).

  2. Heather permalink

    I love that hat! My grandma tried to teach me to knit once… she hid her knitting supplies from me after that. Lol

  3. Great post today. Thanks so much for sharing. I enjoy reading your blog very much!

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