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One week and Two months

October 25, 2012

Today marks one week until the official start of NaNoWriMo and (brace yourselves) 60 days until Christmas. My hometown ended up with snow last night/this morning, we have dodged it here (for now) but it is only a few degrees above freezing (literally.) I am currently sitting at my desk attempting to get through the plot for my story. I am trying this whole plan before hand thing in an attempt to make writing easier. I have been stuck on a couple of things for the past few days and today I decided to plunk myself down at my desk and try to sort this business out. I have the basic idea of my story, but just like last time I am struggling a bit with the middle and am in a war with figuring out the end. (I seem to have the difficult issue of not knowing how to end a story. Beginning? I have that in the bag.) 

Because time and life don’t stop just because of a November writing contest, I am still going to be working on holiday knitting. I managed to knock out a gift last night (it had been on the needles for a little while) which put be back on track in terms of projected completion dates. I cast on for a pair of socks for my husband for Christmas (his big request was socks this year, “if you give a mouse a cookie…”) The big trouble with socks for him stem from the fact that he is a giant which means lots of sock knitting, which can be a total snooze fest in terms of straight knitting. In an effort to eliminate the boredom I have decided to try a pattern (gasp) the challenge then becomes finding one that is deemed manly enough. While I have lucked out in the fact that my husband isn’t too entirely concerned with the color (exceptions being neon anything and pinks) he still isn’t sold on the idea of fancy schmancy patterns. I have been cruising Ravelry the last few days attempting to find a pattern that I would like to try, that he also found “acceptable” (let’s be honest at this point his desire for hand knit socks means the bar is set pretty low) I have finally narrowed it down and am hoping to get past the cuff today.

That is if I can ever figure out this plot.


From → Knitting, NaNoWriMo

  1. Q – Good luck on the competition. I’m jealous that you have a “knit worthy” husband, mine so totally isn’t, which it took me 40 years to figure out. 😎 Which pattern did you decide on?

  2. danadoodle permalink

    I’ve knit a lot of socks for my husband this year and a trend that I’m starting to notice when I go on ravelry with him is cabled patterns. He’s not hesitant towards bright colors, so he doesn’t fit in the ‘plain black sock man’ category, but I think in general, cabled socks don’t seem too fancy.

  3. Wow. I am so behind on my Christmas knitting…

    I wish you the best on that competition!

  4. Have you two decided on a pattern already? I’d recommend the “Charade socks” by Sandra Parker – the pattern is quite subtle in a uni-coloured yarn and maybe “manly” enough. 😉 I know your problem, though … My guy has allowed me to knit a hat for him, so we were browsing ravelry a couple of weeks ago – “not that one!” – “but that looks almost like the other one you liked …” – “no, it doesn’t. This one is definitely a no-go.” – *sigh* 😉

    • I haven’t decided on a pattern, that’s one looks like a good one, but I have a stripey type yarn. (Sock Ease- Rock Candy) I am not sure if it would work though

Care to share? Let me know what you think in the comments section.